Full API reference

Device Initialization

class Device(VID=1240, PID=221, devnum=0)

MCP2221(A) device

  • VID (int, optional) – Vendor Id (default to 0x04D8)

  • PID (int, optional) – Product Id (default to 0x00DD)

  • devnum (int, optional) – Device index if multiple device found with the same PID and VID.


RuntimeError – if no device found with given VID and PID.


>>> import EasyMCP2221
>>> mcp = EasyMCP2221.Device()
>>> print(mcp)
    "Chip settings": {
        "Power management options": "enabled",
        "USB PID": "0x00DD",
        "USB VID": "0x04D8",
        "USB requested number of mA": 100
    "Factory Serial": "01234567",
    "GP settings": {},
    "USB Manufacturer": "Microchip Technology Inc.",
    "USB Product": "MCP2221 USB-I2C/UART Combo",
    "USB Serial": "0000000000"

Pin configuration

set_pin_function(self, gp0=None, gp1=None, gp2=None, gp3=None, out0=False, out1=False, out2=False, out3=False)

Configure pin function and, optionally, output value.

You can set multiple pins at once.

Accepted functions depends on the pin.

  • For GP0:

    • GPIO_IN (in) : Digital input

    • GPIO_OUT (out): Digital output

    • SSPND (out): Signals when the host has entered Suspend mode

    • LED_URX (out): UART Rx LED activity output (factory default)

  • For GP1:

    • GPIO_IN (in) : Digital input

    • GPIO_OUT (out): Digital output

    • ADC (in) : ADC Channel 1

    • CLK_OUT (out): Clock Reference Output

    • IOC (in) : External Interrupt Edge Detector

    • LED_UTX (out): UART Tx LED activity output (factory default)

  • For GP2:

    • GPIO_IN (in) : Digital input

    • GPIO_OUT (out): Digital output

    • ADC (in) : ADC Channel 2

    • DAC (out): DAC Output 1

    • USBCFG (out): USB device-configured status (factory default)

  • For GP3:

    • GPIO_IN (in) : Digital input

    • GPIO_OUT (out): Digital output

    • ADC (in) : ADC Channel 3

    • DAC (out): DAC Output 2

    • LED_I2C (out): USB/I2C traffic indicator (factory default)

  • gp0 (str, optional) – Function for pin GP0. If None, don’t alter function.

  • gp1 (str, optional) – Function for pin GP1. If None, don’t alter function.

  • gp2 (str, optional) – Function for pin GP2. If None, don’t alter function.

  • gp3 (str, optional) – Function for pin GP3. If None, don’t alter function.

  • out0 (bool, optional) – Logic output for GP0 if configured as GPIO_OUT (default: False).

  • out1 (bool, optional) – Logic output for GP1 if configured as GPIO_OUT (default: False).

  • out2 (bool, optional) – Logic output for GP2 if configured as GPIO_OUT (default: False).

  • out3 (bool, optional) – Logic output for GP3 if configured as GPIO_OUT (default: False).

  • ValueError – If invalid function for that pin is specified.

  • ValueError – If given out value for non GPIO_OUT pin.


Set all pins at once:

>>> mcp.set_pin_function(
...     gp0 = "GPIO_IN",
...     gp1 = "GPIO_OUT",
...     gp2 = "ADC",
...     gp3 = "LED_I2C")

Change pin function at runtime:

>>> mcp.set_pin_function(gp1 = "GPIO_IN")

It is not permitted to set the output of a non GPIO_OUT pin.

>>> mcp.set_pin_function(
...     gp1 = "GPIO_OUT", out1 = True,
...     gp2 = "ADC", out2 = True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Pin output value can only be set if pin function is GPIO_OUT.

Only some functions are allowed for each pin.

>>> mcp.set_pin_function(gp0 = "ADC")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid function for GP0. Could be: GPIO_IN, GPIO_OUT, SSPND, LED_URX



Read all GPIO pins logic state.

Returned values can be True, False or None if the pin is not set for GPIO operation. For an output pin, the returned status is the actual value.


4 logic values for the pins status gp0, gp1, gp2 and gp3.

Return type

tuple of bool


>>> mcp.GPIO_read()
(None, 0, 1, None)
GPIO_write(self, gp0=None, gp1=None, gp2=None, gp3=None)

Set pin output values.

If a pin is omitted, it will preserve the value.

To change the output state of a pin, it must be assigned to GPIO_IN or GPIO_OUT (see set_pin_function()).

  • gp0 (bool, optional) – Set GP0 logic value.

  • gp1 (bool, optional) – Set GP1 logic value.

  • gp2 (bool, optional) – Set GP2 logic value.

  • gp3 (bool, optional) – Set GP3 logic value.


RuntimeError – If given pin is not assigned to GPIO function.


Configure GP1 as output (defaults to False) and then set the value to logical True.

>>> mcp.set_pin_function(gp1 = "GPIO_OUT")
>>> mcp.GPIO_write(gp1 = True)

If will fail if the pin is not assigned to GPIO:

>>> mcp.set_pin_function(gp2 = 'DAC')
>>> mcp.GPIO_write(gp2 = False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Pin GP2 is not assigned to GPIO function.


ADC_config(self, ref)

Configure ADC reference voltage.

Accepted values for ref are “0”, “1.024V”, “2.048V”, “4.096V” and “VDD”.


ref (str) – ADC reference voltage.


ValueError – if ref value is not valid.


>>> mcp.ADC_config(ref = "VDD")
>>> mcp.ADC_config("1.024V")
>>> mcp.ADC_config(ref = "5V")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Accepted values for ref are 'OFF', '1.024V', '2.048V', '4.096V' and 'VDD'.

Read all Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) channels.

Analog value is always available regardless of pin function (see set_pin_function()). If pin is configured as output (GPIO_OUT or LED_I2C), the read value is always the output state.

ADC is 10 bits, so the minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 1023.


Value of 3 channels (gp1, gp2, gp3).

Return type

tuple of int


All three pins configured as ADC inputs.

>>> mcp.ADC_config(ref = "VDD")
>>> mcp.set_pin_function(
...    gp1 = "ADC",
...    gp2 = "ADC",
...    gp3 = "ADC")
>>> mcp.ADC_read()
(185, 136, 198)

Reading the ADC value of a digital output gives the actual voltage in the pin. For a logic output 1 is equal to Vdd unless something is pulling that pin low (i.e. a LED).

>>> mcp.set_pin_function(
...    gp1 = "GPIO_OUT", out1 = True,
...    gp2 = "GPIO_OUT", out2 = False)
>>> mcp.ADC_read()
(1023, 0, 198)


DAC_config(self, ref, out=0)

Configure Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) reference.

Valid values from ref are “0”, “1.024V”, “2.048V”, “4.096V” and “VDD”.

MCP2221’s DAC is 5 bits. So valid values for out are from 0 to 31.

out parameter is optional and defaults to 0. Use DAC_write() to set the DAC output value.

  • ref (str) – Reference voltage for DAC.

  • out (int, optional) – value to output. Default is 0.


ValueError – if ref or out values are not valid.


>>> mcp.set_pin_function(gp2 = "DAC")
>>> mcp.DAC_config(ref = "4.096V")
>>> mcp.DAC_config(ref = 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Accepted values for ref are 'OFF', '1.024V', '2.048V', '4.096V' and 'VDD'.
DAC_write(self, out)

Set the DAC output value.

Valid out values are 0 to 31.

To use a GP pin as DAC, you must assign the function “DAC” (see set_pin_function()). MCP2221 only have 1 DAC. So if you assign to “DAC” GP2 and GP3 you will see the same output value in both.


out (int) – Value to output (max. 32) referenced to DAC ref voltage.


>>> mcp.set_pin_function(gp2 = "DAC")
>>> mcp.DAC_config(ref = "VDD")
>>> mcp.DAC_write(31)
>>> mcp.DAC_write(32)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Accepted values for out are from 0 to 31.


I2C_Slave(self, addr)

Create a new I2C_Slave object.

See EasyMCP2221.I2C_Slave.I2C_Slave for detailed information.


addr (int) – Slave’s I2C bus address


I2C_Slave object.


>>> pcf    = mcp.I2C_Slave(0x48)
>>> eeprom = mcp.I2C_Slave(0x50)
>>> eeprom
EasyMCP2221's I2C slave device at bus address 0x50.


New from v1.5.1.

I2C_write(self, addr, data, kind='regular')

Write data to an address on I2C bus.

Maximum data length is 65536 bytes. If data length is 0, this function will not write anything to the bus.

Valid values for kind are:

  • regular: start - data to write - stop (this is the default)

  • restart: repeated start - data to write - stop

  • nonstop: start - data to write

  • addr (int) – I2C slave device base address.

  • data (bytes) – bytes to write

  • kind (str, optional) – kind of transfer (see description).

  • ValueError – if any parameter is not valid.

  • RuntimeError – if the I2C slave didn’t acknowledge.


>>> mcp.I2C_write(0x50, b'This is data')

Writing data to a non-existent device:

>>> mcp.I2C_write(0x60, b'This is data'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: I2C write error: device NAK.
I2C_read(self, addr, size=1, kind='regular', timeout_ms=10)

Read data from I2C bus.

Maximum value for size is 65536 bytes. If size is 0, only expect acknowledge from device, but do not read any bytes. Note that reading 0 bytes might cause unexpected behavior in some devices.

Valid values for kind are:

  • regular: start - read data - stop

  • restart: repeated start - read data - stop

  • addr (int) – I2C slave device base address.

  • size (int, optional) – how many bytes to read, default 1 byte.

  • kind (str, optional) – kind of transfer (see description).

  • timeout_ms (int, optional) – time to wait for the data in milliseconds (default 10 ms).


data read

Return type


  • ValueError – if any parameter is not valid.

  • RuntimeError – if the I2C slave didn’t acknowledge or the I2C engine was busy.


>>> mcp.I2C_read(0x50, 12)
b'This is data'

Solve timeout by increasing timeout_ms parameter:

>>> mcp.I2C_read(0x50, 64)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Device did not ACK or did not send enough data. Try increasing timeout_ms.
>>> mcp.I2C_read(0x50, 64, timeout_ms = 25)
b'This is a very long long data stream that may trigger a timeout.'


You can use I2C_read() with size 0 to check if there is any device listening with that address.

There is a device in 0x50 (EEPROM):

>>> mcp.I2C_read(0x50)

No device in 0x60:

>>> mcp.I2C_read(0x60)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Device did not ACK or did not send enough data. Try increasing timeout_ms.


If a timeout occurs in the middle of character reading, the I2C but may stay busy. See I2C_cancel().


Cancel an active I2C transfer.

This command can fail in two ways.

  • SCL keeps low. This is caused by:

    • Missing pull-up resistor or to high value.

    • A slave device is using clock stretching while doing an operation (e.g. writing to EEPROM).

    • Another device is using the bus.

  • SDA keeps low. Caused by:

    • Missing pull-up resistor or to high value.

    • A i2c read transfer timed out while slave was sending data and now the I2C bus is locked-up. Read the Hint.


True if device is now ready to go. False if the engine is not idle.

Return type


  • RuntimeError – if I2C engine detects the SCL line does not go up (read description).

  • RuntimeError – if I2C engine detects the SDA line does not go up (read description).


Last transfer was cancel, and engine is ready for the next operation: >>> mcp.I2C_cancel() True

>>> mcp.I2C_cancel()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: SCL is low. I2C bus is busy or missing pull-up resistor.


About the I2C bus locking-up.

Sometimes, due to a glitch or premature timeout, the master terminates the transfer. But the slave was in the middle of sending a byte. So it is expecting a few more clocks cycles to send the rest of the byte.

Since the master gave up, it will not clock the bus anymore, and so the slave won’t release SDA line. The master, seeing SDA line busy, refuses to initiate any new I2C transfer. If the slave does not implement any timeout (SMB slaves do have it, but I2C ones don’t), the I2C bus is locked-up forever.

MCP2221’s I2C engine cannot solve this problem. You can either manually clock the bus using any GPIO line, or cycle the power supply.


Do not call this function without issuing a I2C_read() or I2C_write() first. It could render I2C engine inoperative until the next reset.

>>> mcp.reset()
>>> mcp.I2C_is_idle()
>>> mcp.I2C_cancel()

Now the bus is busy until the next reset.

>>> mcp.I2C_speed(100000)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: I2C speed is not valid or bus is busy.
>>> mcp.I2C_cancel()
>>> mcp.I2C_is_idle()
>>> mcp.I2C_cancel()

After a reset, it will work again.

>>> mcp.reset()
>>> mcp.I2C_is_idle()

Check if the I2C engine is idle.


True if idle, False if engine is in the middle of a transfer (timeout detected).

Return type



>>> mcp.I2C_is_idle()
I2C_speed(self, speed=100000)

Set I2C bus speed.

Acceptable values for speed are between 50kHz and 400kHz.


speed (int) – Bus clock frequency in Hz. Default bus speed is 100kHz.

  • ValueError – if speed parameter is out of range.

  • RuntimeError – if command failed (I2C engine is busy).”


>>> mcp.I2C_speed(100000)

Clock output

clock_config(self, duty, freq)

Configure clock output frequency and Duty Cycle.

Accepted values for duty are: 0, 25, 50 and 75.

Valid freq values are: 375kHz, 750kHz, 1.5MHz, 3MHz, 6MHz, 12MHz or 24MHz.

To output clock signal, you also need to assign GP1 function to CLK_OUT (see set_pin_function()).

  • duty (int) – Output duty cycle in percent.

  • freq (str) – Output frequency.


ValueError – if any of the parameters is not valid.


>>> mcp.set_pin_function(gp1 = "CLK_OUT")
>>> mcp.clock_config(50, "375kHz")
>>> mcp.clock_config(100, "375kHz")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Accepted values for duty are 0, 25, 50, 75.
>>> mcp.clock_config(25, "175kHz")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Freq is one of 375kHz, 750kHz, 1.5MHz, 3MHz, 6MHz, 12MHz or 24MHz

USB wake-up

enable_power_management(self, enable=False)

Enable or disable USB Power Management options for this device.

Set or clear Remote Wake-up Capability bit in flash configuration.

If enabled, Power Management Tab is available for this device in the Device Manager (Windows). So you can mark “Allow this device to wake the computer” option.

A device reset() (or power supply cycle) is needed in order for changes to take effect.


enable (bool) – Enable or disable Power Management.

  • RuntimeError – If write to flash command failed.

  • AssertionError – In rare cases, when some bug might have inadvertently activated Flash protection or permanent chip lock.


>>> mcp.enable_power_management(True)
>>> print(mcp)
    "Chip settings": {
        "Power management options": "enabled",
>>> mcp.reset()
wake_up_config(self, edge='none')

Configure interruption edge.

Valid values for edge:

  • none: disable interrupt detection

  • raising: fire interruption in raising edge (i.e. when GP1 goes from Low to High).

  • falling: fire interruption in falling edge (i.e. when GP1 goes from High to Low).

  • both: fire interruption in both (i.e. when GP1 state changes).

In order to trigger, GP1 must be assigned to IOC function (see set_pin_function()).

To wake-up the computer, Power Management options must be enabled (see enable_power_management()). And “Allow this device to wake the computer” option must be set in Device Manager.


edge (str) – which edge triggers the interruption (see description).


ValueError – if edge detection given.


>>> mcp.wake_up_config("both")

Device reset


Reset MCP2221.

Reboot the device and load stored configuration from flash.

This operation do not reset any I2C slave devices.

Low level functions

SRAM_config(self, clk_output=None, dac_ref=None, dac_value=None, adc_ref=None, int_conf=None, gp0=None, gp1=None, gp2=None, gp3=None)

Low level SRAM configuration.

Configure Runtime GPIO pins and parameters. All arguments are optional. Apply given settings, preserve the rest.

  • clk_output (int, optional) – settings

  • dac_ref (int, optional) – settings

  • dac_value (int, optional) – settings

  • adc_ref (int, optional) – settings

  • int_conf (int, optional) – settings

  • gp0 (int, optional) – settings

  • gp1 (int, optional) – settings

  • gp2 (int, optional) – settings

  • gp3 (int, optional) – settings


RuntimeError – if command failed.


>>> from EasyMCP2221.Constants import *
>>> mcp.SRAM_config(gp1 = GPIO_FUNC_GPIO | GPIO_DIR_IN)
>>> mcp.SRAM_config(dac_ref = ADC_REF_VRM | ADC_VRM_2048)


Calling this function unexpectedly resets (not preserve):

  • All GPIO values set via GPIO_write() method.

  • Reference voltage for ADC set by ADC_config() (not affected if ref = VDD)

  • Reference voltage for DAC set by DAC_config() (not affected if ref = VDD)

send_cmd(self, buf, sleep=0)

Write a raw USB command to device and get the response.

Write 64 bytes to the HID interface, starting by buf bytes. Optionally wait sleep seconds. Then read 64 bytes from HID and return them as a list.

  • buf (list of bytes) – Full data to write, including command (64 bytes max).

  • sleep (float, optional) – Delay (seconds) between writing the command and reading the response.


Full response data (64 bytes).

Return type

list of bytes


>>> from EasyMCP2221.Constants import *
>>> r = mcp.send_cmd([CMD_GET_GPIO_VALUES])
[81, 0, 238, 239, 238, 239, 238, 239, 238, 239, 0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0]
Device.debug_packets = False

Print all binary commands and responses.

